Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jake - 2 months

Jake the tank is 2 months old.
Where has the time gone?
I thought the time went fast with Brooklyn, but with each kid it must go faster because I swear I just had him.  (It could be too the busyness of trying to pack, starting to work again, getting everything in place to move, etc.)

I say Jake the tank because that is exactly what he is.
Soooo chubby and so cute!
I took him to his 2 month appointment this past week.  These are his stats:
weight: 13 lbs 14 oz (97 %)
height: 23 1/2 inches (76%)
(and his head circumference was 65%)

Some things about Jake:
  • is a great sleeper (he has been since birth) - He sleeps 5-6 hour stretches at night now and takes a few good naps during the day.  He always goes down easily at night...sometimes for naps now he wakes up easily because the binkie has fall out again (I have a love/hate feeling for binkies...once they can keep them in their mouth they are great).  So I've fixed this problem...strap a headband around his head and it holds the binkie in place :)
  • is still usually a happy/content baby.  But now, when he is hungry, he is hungry and will let you know it!  He goes from being dead asleep to screaming instantly.  Whenever we are out in public and this happens I get a lot of looks because you'd think he just lost an arm or a leg :)
  • is a great eater (obviously).  He still eats about every 3 hours, but I'm hoping to start going a little longer in between feedings.  He will also take a bottle, which is nice, when we are on the go and I can pump out a feeding before we leave.  
  • wears size 3 months.  And it won't be for much longer!  I would put him in 3-6 or 6 month clothes, but those are all packed up.  So hopefully he can squeeze into 3 month clothes for one more week.
  • is cooing and smiling a ton now and I love it!  It always melts my heart when I talk to him and he gives me a big gummy grin and coo's back.  I love my boy. 
  • put's up with his sister :)  Brooklyn actually has done great with him and just recently started showing a little more interest in him.  She's held him twice now and gives him lots more kisses than she used to.  My favorite thing that she does is call him Buddy.  I sometimes call him this and now when she hears him crying she says, "Ooooh......Buddy." 

 likes to sit in his pink bouncer :)

gives a good scowl, just like his sister


  1. Ahh Beck I can't believe how much he has changed just from when we were home. He sounds like a great baby. I love his chub to- its the best. Such cute pictures of him. That is adorable Brooklyn calls him Buddy.

  2. Hes so handsome! I loved seeing him next to Gideon at the park! It was hilarious! Good luck moving, and lets for sure get together when you come out here for visits!!

  3. He is so stinkin' cute and I just love that boy! What a sweet little man! I can't believe how quick the last 2 months have gone too - maybe it's because you're moving away from me....wahhhh!!!

  4. Wow, that went by fast! What a big boy:) He is such a cutie....good luck with the move!!!

  5. Man I love that cute face! Its good to catch up on your blog and glad to see you made it safely to your new home. I hope all is adjusting well. We miss you guys!
