Friday, June 8, 2012

the first week at home

The first week at home has gone much better than I was expecting (I was gearing up for a tough week).  That probably has a lot to do with my mom being here and helping so much and also that Jake is a GREAT baby.  He is the sweetest, calmest little guy.  It has made everything so much easier and sometimes I still feel like I have 1 child (but then my body quickly reminds me that I have 2....the joys of recovery after you have a baby :))  

Jake is a great nurser, great sleeper, and doesn't cry unless he is hungry or getting his diaper changed.  He is the best little cuddler and has been so patient with all of us.  I love having a boy and told John it might be hard for me to ever discipline him :)  His response was, "yeah, well now you know how I feel with Brooklyn."  I shouldn't get my hopes up and jinx myself, but the last 2 nights Jake has only gotten up once during the night - I am a LUCKY mom!  He is also a sprayer :)  9 out of 10 diapers I change he either sprays all over himself or me.  One funny story - I was changing his diaper in the bathroom and my mom was doing her hair.  I tried to be  quick, but he started peeing and it went all over her brush and makeup.  We both just cracked up!  It is definitely different changing a boy....but I'm learning to be fast and learned to cover him up with a towel.

love her faces 

Grandma Betty 

Grandpa Marc 

I took Jake to the doctor earlier this week to have him circumcised (which I got to was pretty neat to see actually, but OUCH.  Thank goodness they numb them so well!)  My pediatrician was worried about his coloring, looked pretty yellow, and had us head to the hospital for a bilirubin test.  His levels came back high and we were sent home with a bed to keep him under the lights for the next 24 hours.  Even though it was sad for me to see him in that bed, he loved it.  It was hard not to be able to hold him (only when I was feeding him) too.  I was so grateful when I took him back in yesterday that his levels have come down and he is out of the bed!  

Brooklyn is adjusting and getting better and better each day.  She doesn't show much interest in Jake and just goes about her business.  She occasionally gives him a kiss on the head and then is on her way.  The hardest part for her has been less time with me.  I try to spend as much one-on-one time with her as I can...which has been a lot because Jake is so content all the time and sleeps the majority of the day.  She seems so big to me now! 

We went to visit my Moms dad's grave, who would have been 91 today.  We took a picnic lunch and Uncle Mike met us there.  It was so fun to get out and let Brooklyn run around and be together.

 I love this pretty girl.

1 week old


  1. What a cute family Beck!! They are adorable!

  2. Thats convenient that you got to bring those lights home! He just looks so teeny and I agree, Brooklyn looks so big! I love all her hair!

  3. he is seriously so cute! and yes, Brooklyn does seem so big now!!! I'm glad he's being a good baby...and let's hope it stays that way!


  4. So cute! Let's have a playdate soon! And I say before you move you should have a date night so I can play with the kids :]

  5. Adorable, can't wait to meet him in person!!

  6. So glad it's going well. I can't believe how much he looks like Brooklyn!

  7. So fun to see you Saturday and meet cute little Jake. He sounds like the best baby Beck. Seriously. So nice your mom was able to come home again and spend time together.

  8. The pee story is hilarious. I am so glad he is a sweet calm baby. Brooklyn is so cute, I love her little faces she makes.
