Friday, March 18, 2011

a hard, but good week

I went back to work this week.

I didn't want to go back, especially not so soon, but there are hospital bills and tuition waiting to be paid for :)  I feel so lucky to have the job that I do and to have such a great boss.  I will still be working full-time, but able to do half of that from home.  My sister has offered to watch Brooklyn the two days I will be in the office.  I am so grateful for her willingness to do this.  I don't know what we would do without her!        

John was on spring break from school this week, so I worked the entire week in the office.  It was so hard to leave Brooklyn every morning, especially on Thursday, when I think she realized I was leaving once again and just started sobbing.  I have been so anxious to get home every night and am so excited to see her.  She always smiles and coos when she sees me, which makes it all worth it.    

This is what she does when John has the NCAA tournament.

This week has been good for both John and I.  It helps remind us of our goals and what we are working towards.  John made the comment, "I don't think I want to be a stay-at-home dad."  I just smiled and said I don't want you to be either.  We feel so blessed to be in the situation we're in, even though it's not easy, it will all be worth it.

Anyway, we are so excited the weekend is here and that we get to celebrate our 1 year anniversary!


  1. oh becky, i've been there! hang in there! eventually, it gets better.

  2. HA ha so dang cute. She is going to be a little baller after watching all the basketball. I am glad you don't have to work forever. And I am glad that you have that job to be able to work from home some of the time. I think it would be super hard to leave each morning.

  3. Can't believe you've been married a year now Beck!! Happy Anniversary. That is so nice that you have a flexible schedule, very lucky!

  4. Oh my gosh Becky you are so awesome! Such a good mom.

  5. Hang in there girl! Things will get better with the work situation as time goes on, stay strong! And happy 1 yr. anniversary! YIPEE!

  6. I remember that first week away from Kale when I had to go back. It was so hard!!! I still find myself rushing home to him two and a half years later. :) Chandler says the same thing about being a stay at home dad, he loved it for a little bit but is ready to switch. :) I am right there with you with being grateful for a job, but hoping that in the future it will work out a little differently. :) You are such a good mom and she is so cute!!! We definitely need to get together. Talk to Kelsi and see when would work for you guys and then send a facebook message. Maybe we can all get together for one night. It might be a miracle. :)

  7. That is the worst day. It is nice she is going to be with Jeannette. She will be well taken care of. That is so nice you don't have to go in every day.

  8. Oh Becky!! You're such a trooper! I can't imagine what that's like--and I'll have to live that come August. We can vent together!! Just wanted to say that Brooklyn is getting more precious by the minute!! She's soooo lucky to have you and John as parents!! Oh and before I forget--HAPPY 1 YEAR!!!

  9. :( i can SO remember what it feels like to leave your baby and go back to work! I hated it! Even though I only worked nights (so luckily brad was home with jakob) i hated leaving and missing the bedtime routine every night.

    good for John for realizing he doesn't want to be a stay-at-home dad! :) keep focused on your goals and don't give up and you'll be where you want to be soon enough!

