Thursday, February 23, 2012

no longer a baby

Brooklyn is definitely a toddler now.

Here is proof:
  • sits facing forward in her big girl car seat now - she LOVES this.  Occasionally we still have to use the baby car seat (when John takes her to Jeannette's in the morning) and she does NOT like it.
She still looks so little in it to me though. 

  • walking on her own/running with the walker.  I take her outside everyday and let her run around on our driveway with her walker...part of it is downhill and she cruises down it so fast.  She loves being chased and also loves to chase.  If you say "I'm going to get you" she takes off with a big grin on her face (my favorite).

  • loves to look at books on her own - half the time they are upside down - but I often find her sitting in a corner with all the books around her.

  • climbs up and down the stairs like a pro - I still don't trust her to go down them alone...but also don't have a panic attack if I find her at the top by herself.
  • tries to repeat things we say....her newest word is doll....and when I tell her to say please if she wants something she says...."ppssss"
  • and lately her favorite thing to do is relax in the baby swing that she is too big for (we put this up a couple weeks ago)


  1. She looks so mini sitting in her new carseat hahaha! LOVE IT! She is growing up Becky! Time for another one:)

  2. Beck.... she is a freakin doll face. I love her. She looks SO GROWN UP! I love all her cute outfits with the matching shoes. You dress her cute. I can't believe she is talking. Will you post some videos of her so I can hear her cute words? Or we can video chat so that I can see her in person. Loved the post. I am going to have to get that car seat soon to because Charli is getting so big.... Glad you found a good one :)

  3. I love her!! That picture of her with her arms behind her head is so funny!

  4. She is SUCH a doll!! She looks so tiny walking in the driveway, what a cutie. Love her outfits.

  5. I LOVE all her polka dot shoes!! I hate how big our girls are getting!! :) -Mandy

  6. she is so cute!!! i miss her. i wish we could witness her turning into a big girl IN PERSON! but these pics are great.

    we had that same baby swing when jakob/joshy were babies! ahhh that brings back memories!
