Our first Christmas spent together was great! We spent lots of time with each other, family, and friends. I love this time of year just for that reason - the time spent together at parties, playing games, eating lots of great food, exchanging gifts, watching movies, taking naps, etc. I unfortunately didn't have my camera most of the time so I stole all these pictures off my sister's blog.
Everyone gathered at my parents house around 7:00 a.m. John and Misty had slept over, which meant there were 16 of us in my parents living room opening gifts. Pete, Rich, and I had slept in the living room together on Christmas Eve. It was so much fun being together - I will never forget it. I loved seeing how excited my nieces and nephew were.
John and I left my parents house around noon and spent the rest of the day with his family in Orem. We opened more gifts, played Rock Band, Scene It, and Mad Gab (so funny!), and ate. It was so nice to relax - we spent all day in our pajamas. It was a great day!