Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The kids and I went with friends one morning to Oasis Gym during "open gym" time.  They have lots and lots of gymnastics equipment that the kids can play on and explore.  Brooklyn starts a dance/gymnastics class there with friends on Monday.  After we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch and let the kids play some more in the play area.

My mom and dad, Pete, and Mike stayed with us the middle of the month to watch Pete compete in the Iron-man.  It was really fun to have them and show them our house, John's school, and our daily life here in Arizona.  My mom was a really good sport and let Brooklyn trace her body in our backyard with sidewalk chalk.

We showed them the Phoenix Temple that is being built just 5 minutes from our house.

Pete did amazing in his Iron-man.  I still am in awe that he one attempted it and two FINISHED it.  And finished it strong!  It was an incredible thing to watch and made me want to NEVER do something like that.  I don't think I could ever do anything more than a marathon and that is only 1/3 of what he did.
These were pictures that morning.  They started out doing the swim.  It looked freezing and there were SO many participants in the water.  I don't know how you'd avoid getting kicked and beaten.

This isn't the best picture, some guys arm is right in the way of Pete's face, but this was him during the swim to bike transition.

Brooklyn was really cute and so excited to cheer on Uncle Pete.  Her and Jake both were such good sports about being there all day.

Pete during the marathon...mile 14 I think.

I love these pictures of Brooklyn and Pete.  We were all so proud of him.

We set up our Christmas tree early this year so we could enjoy it more than the 2 weeks we were here during December.  The kids had fun helping and did a pretty good job.

During John's Thanksgiving break we went with friends to the Anthem shopping outlets one day and then to the train park just across the freeway. 
Brooklyn and her buddy Parker on Santa's giant sleigh.

This tree was HUGE.  There was a sign next to it that said tallest lit and decorated live tree in the world.  I believe it!

We paid the few dollars to ride the train at the park.  The kids thought it was fun.

Another day we went with friends to the Arizona Wildlife Zoo and Aquarium.  It was really neat and I liked it a lot more than the Phoenix Zoo.  It was much more hands on and the animals were really close...sometimes a little too close!

John fed stingrays (I was too chicken), the kids fed the ducks, rode the carousel, fed giraffes, and pet all the animals in the petting zoo.

This snake scared me because there was NO GLASS on this exhibit.  You could reach your hand all the way in...nothing!  There was a sign that said the snake is always content on the tree branch, but still, that didn't satisfy me!

Reese and Brooklyn

my favorite part of the day

Marc and Betty came down and spent Thanksgiving with us.  Once again it was so fun to have visitors and show them around.  We went to a fun (and huge) park one morning and let the kids run around.

The kids love when Grandma Betty does the horsey ride with them.

We tried something new this year and went out to eat on Thanksgiving.  We went to Bucca Di Beppo, which was good, just crowded and felt not so cozy as eating in your own home.  I made 2 pumpkin pies, clam dip, and BBQ smokies for us to snack on that night while we played games.  The kids got to open a new outfit from Grandma Betty and new Christmas pj's and movie from Grandma Sorenson.  They were so happy and excited about their gifts.

We took Brooklyn to see the new Disney movie "Frozen".  Brooklyn loved it and did great through the whole thing.  Our friends watched Jake for us and it was nice to have some alone time with just her.

I planned a surprise birthday/baby shower for my friend Kandas.  I picked her up and she thought I was taking her to lunch for her birthday.  I had everyone else meet us at Olive Garden and she was really surprised when we walked in.  Good times!

I looked for one of these last year and couldn't find it, so when I saw it on Black Friday at Wal Mart I quickly grabbed it.  My kids loved playing with it and were grateful for a nativity I would actually let them touch :)


  1. You've done so many fun things! It looks like you're really enjoying Arizona. One of my good friends moved there....they just bought a house in Queen Creek...is that close to you?
    You're brother is insane...WOW!!! You're kids are growing up too fast

  2. Loved seeing all the pictures! November was busy for you guys! Can't believe Pete did that Ironman- he is amazing. Glad you had lots of visitors.

  3. Busy, busy November! The Ironman was awesome, no idea how he did that! That zoo is really awesome, never get bored there.

  4. You guys had a busy month! Cute pictures. Congrats to Pete for such a feat--can't believe it! That snake might make me dry heave--ooooooooh!
