Monday, August 27, 2012

our first week in Arizona

We have been in Arizona for 2 weeks (already!).

The first week was.....hard.  The second week has been much, much better.  Seriously, it has been night and day from week 1 to week 2.

We all had our tough moments that first week, especially Brooklyn.  I think she really missed her cousins and not having so much kid action as she was used to.  A few mornings in a row she woke up crying saying, "NO NO NO!"  I think she would see that we were still here and was not happy about it.  She was also extra clingy to me and followed me around everywhere saying "hold you" - meaning she wanted to be held.  And one day a guy knocked on our door to fix our kitchen sink and Brooklyn got really excited.  She was used to having so many people knock on our door in Utah (like Rich and Misty, Mike, Pete) to visit or play with her.  When she saw this strange man at our door she immediately broke down in tears and just sobbed.  I felt so bad for her :(

We did have some good times though that first week.  We went to Nate and Kristin's for dinner one night, to the Jackman's for dinner the next night (a family in our ward who have been so good to us already), and Mike and Camille's for dinner another night.  We are so excited to have family close by and looking forward to fun times with them.    

Here are some things we are adjusting to:
  • no more big screen tv and no more cable - I think this has been the hardest for John
  • no more big house - now it's a nice, small 2 bedroom apartment :)
  • no more siblings and cousins living all within 15 minutes of us
  • the, it's hot!  It is amazing to me that now when I go outside and it's only 105 degrees instead of 115, it feels "so nice" 
  • no more Grandma Sycamore bread...ha ha...this was the first thing I noticed they didn't have here at the grocery store.  But they do have Blue Bunny ice cream, so that's good.
The best part of week 1 was going to church and meeting people (and for Brooklyn to go to nursery and play with other kids).  We love our ward and are really excited about getting to know more people.  They do a lot of activities throughout the week for moms and kids and I was able to go to all those this last week.

And just a couple pictures from that first week (I didn't take many.  I will post pictures of our apartment soon).  

This guy is getting so big!  I put him in the exersaucer just to see how he'd do.  He wasn't too impressed by it, but sat in there for awhile until his big sis insisted she have a turn too.


  1. Haha! Jake looks hilarious in his saucer. I love the look in the first pic, he is NOT amused. I love those kids!

  2. Glad it is going much better Beck! Moving is HARD, one of the hardest things ever I think. You guys will love it here. Ha ha, I love that you now are one of those people that when it's 105 it's 'nice.' You will also be drinking hot chocolate at 70 degrees, guarantee it :) Can't wait to see you guys again soon.

  3. Ughh Beck the first week is hard moving. I felt like the first month was hard for me until I really got to know people. Poor Brooklyn - that makes me sad for her! Sounds like your ward is awesome though and you will have a lot to go to during the weeks. Nice to have C&M there to. That weather... yuck... I had to get used to the humidity and hotness in Iowa but I don't think I could handle 115!! Love the pics. J looks BIG!

  4. sounds rough becky! but i'm so glad that the roughest part is behind you! hope nothing but good times are ahead!

  5. So glad you're adjusting...our first week after our move was SO HARD too. Wow, 115 degrees? Good luck with all the changes....excited for your family and for John's schooling

  6. oh my gosh, Brooklyn is such a sweetie, bless her heart! I am afraid Addie will be acting the exact same way when we move. I almost laughed when you said how excited she was to have someone come to visit, but it was just the repair guy and the sobbing started. lol! Brooklyn will adjust in no time though, you just wait. I'm so glad your ward has been good so far and happy they have some weekly get togethers to keep you busy. yay! Keep us posted! Thinking about you guys a lot :) I hope for your own sanity it cools down a bit soon!!

  7. Becky, i hate moving... It's such a big adjustment! I'm glad things are getting easier. You are going to make such close friends and then you'll never want to move back. Sometimes when we go next door Sophia still seems kinda let down that Brooklyn isnt there to play with... And all her fun toys are gone. We miss you!
