Monday, September 19, 2011

8 months old

I love this girl so much.
She is 8 months old today.

I cannot get enough of her.
She makes me so happy.

My two best friends :)


  1. Can't believe she's 8 months old! And, can't believe she's 20 lbs. She is the cutest thing. I love her. What's your schedule next week? Let's get together!

  2. 8 months already? No way. She is sure cute. Makes me want a little gal so bad!

  3. Fastest 8 months EVER! She is so dang cute. Love the chalkboard idea and the photos. So cute! I am going to weigh Charli at WIC on weds. I bet she isn't far behind LOL.

  4. I LOVE the picture of her next to the chalkboard!!! She is so stinkin' cute Becky!

  5. She's so super cute!! I love the picture of her by the chalkboard! You are so creative!! I might steal that idea someday... watch out!

  6. That is just adorable. I love that chunky monkey.

  7. darling idea with the chalkboard. I might actual steal this idea from you! Can't believe she's 8 mos!

  8. I love that chalk board idea. What a sweetie!
